Wigan Album
Notre Dame School, Standishgate
Photo: Allan Hughes
Item #: 13520
The Salle. What memories are flooding back into my mind.
The Salle - where we were allowed to dance with each other on wet days. Great memories!
Does anyone have pictures of the wonderful stained glass windows? There was a window for each House incorporating coat of arms and motto: Stafford (red) Townley (yellow) Jerningham (green) and Tichborne (blue). I hope someone out there can help.
We used to call it t'salle. I remember when we said prayers for the Manchester United players who were in the Munich Air disaster and we used to do the quick step and the gay gordans at lunch time.
I remember Sister Rose Julie and the Assemblies. She used to shout "One shoulder in and one shoulder out" so that we would stand in regimental fashion. I also remember that we had to sit through the king's funeral and my friend and I got the giggles. If we had been seen it would have been a "hanging" offence. Luckily we weren't. Very happy memories. I attended the Convent from 1951 to 1955.
I was at the Hollies 70-71 and then the 'big school' 1971 - 73 (just before it closed in 74). They must have refurbished the salle as we didn't have those benches along the sides when I was there. I remember there was a stained glass window that would have been high up in the wall as you could peer down into the salle. The window was near the Tuck Shop if I remember rightly.
Looks so much smaller than I remember - memories come flooding back !
I remember this well. The uniform inspection, hat, gloves, gym slip, blouse, socks, indoor shoes, outdoor shoes, mac or blazer, dress in the summer time and those horrible brown knickers, remember those girls!
Also took my O Levels in this room.
Very happy memories of singing in the salle and dancing yes with Mrs Drinkwater and i remember Girl Guides met in here for a time. Remember my first day were all waiting in the Salle to be given our form rooms and houses minewas Titchbourne. Our first classroom was in Derwent House Happy school days from 1965 - 1970
Memories - great place .............the good old days