Wigan Album
Wigan Infirmary
15 Comments![Trainee Nurses](/album/3/ce8hd8kk.jpg)
Photo: Helen West
Item #: 13284
It's a newpaper cutting sent to me by my Auntie Lizzie, who lived at Hall Green.
I think I was supposed to know someone in the pic, the arrow points to a Mary Ritson, I think there was a family at Holland Moor by that name. Rosemary Fairhurst's name is underlined & it says that she lived near the Stanley Hotel (?) All the young nurses names are listed, anyone know themselves ?
Mary now lives in Hindley and the last time I knew of her she was working at Wigan and Leigh Hospice.
Yes I remember most of these ladies, they were I think a year ahead of me in training.
Its also really good to see Miss Sawyer, Matron Gale and Miss Evans
Does anyone remember Sandra Southworth?
I think Mary Ritson lived in Parsonage Road, Up holland they had a big family. I think her brother still lives in the same house.
Rose went on to marry a doctor and moved to USA.
This photo was taken in 1969, we had just qualified, I am on the back row 4th from left, I should imagine most of us are retired now,I actually put the photo in the newspaper again in 1986 when we all met up again for a reunion.Rose married Stan Allen and was a very respected tutor for the Trust up to her retirement, don't remember her going to USA.I worked at Leigh Infirmary with Rose for years , I was Night Sister for years then moved to RAEI 1995, I now work voluntary on Swinley Ward, hard to give up altogether after 43yrs. Still able to keep in touch with most of them, how lovely to see photo, happy times .
Curious & curiouser, There must have been more than one Rose Fairhurst, I couldn't recognise her from the photo, But the one from near "The Stanley" at Upholland definitely married a doctor from Billinge Hospital, and now lives in Ohio.
i trained at the infirmary mid 70's and i remember Miss Gale and Miss Evans very well
Wonder if any of you came across my aunty, Greta Bryson, she worked at the infirmary, think she was a theatre sister ?
As the song goes-;Oh yes I remember it well. The happiest of days. Hope everyone is well, Cheers.
Nice to hear from you Jessie,was talking to Rose in Wigan yesterday she is good.All the best
Great to see the photo again after all this time.Brings back many happy memories.Yes, thats me arrowed, sat between Matron and Miss Sawyer. Could this be my 15 minutes of fame I wonder. I do remember Sister Bryson from theatre, although I didn't spend much time there myself. I think you're aunt must have got the wrong Rosemary Fairhurst. There were only two of us from our P.T.S. came from that side of Wigan, me and Jill Watkinson, who is now Jill Ashcroft. Would love to know who your auntie Lizzie is, she obviously knows me, but perhaps she knew my mum.
What a nice thing to find, Freda Sawyer was my Auntie and I am afraid she has now passed away. She lived until the age of 91 and spent the last remaining years In Lakesida nursing home in Standish
Rose Fairhurst lived in Ormskirk Road, UpHolland near the Stanley Hotel, she now lives in the U.S.A. her married name is Rose Khan, she has a son and daughter.
There was a Ritson family who lived on Ormskirk Road, UpHolland Moor near to UpHolland Moor School, that was 60 years ago ...
I used to go out with a nurse in the 70s by the name of Ann meridith she was Canada does anyone know of her