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Photos of Wigan
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Jimmy Griffiths, Spring View.
Jimmy Griffiths, Spring View.
Photo: irene roberts nee griffiths
Views: 2,346
Item #: 12555
Apologies if this appears twice. I posted it 24 hrs. ago but has not appeared, so re-trying. My Uncle Jimmy lived in Taylors Lane during my childhood, before moving to Ince. Christine, nee Parkinson, hope you see this, and so glad you enjoyed seeing Auntie Sally on the wedding pic (under "assorted...wedding").I left further comments on it. Irene.

Comment by: Eric Turner on 20th November 2009 at 17:12

Hello Irene, I see Jimmy was in the Loyal Regt, have you any information re, his service time. E.T.

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 20th November 2009 at 17:43

None at all, Eric. This photo was obviously given to my Mam and Dad during the war...I was only born in 1952 and just remember it being in our family photos all my life. He reminds me so much of his brother Bob, my Dad. I am hoping some of my cousins will see it. Thanks for your comment.

Comment by: joyce griffiths now tierney on 21st February 2010 at 20:17

Love looking at all the old pictures of my dad, im 1 of the twins last 1 born to rut n gem.

Comment by: william griffiths on 21st February 2010 at 22:22

That is my dad ,Irene thank you very much for the photos,never seen a photo of my dad so young,i remember you coming round our house at ,64 taylors lane with uncle Bob and Aunt tizze,hope you and your family are well,just great memories of those times,thanks again,Billy.

Comment by: Michelle Charlotte (Griffiths) on 21st February 2010 at 22:44

Hi Irene this is my grandad how nice it was to see this, my Mum is Doreen, I just called her and she told me you are cousins she told me to say hello. I will show the pics tomorrow thanks for much for posting the picture.

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 22nd February 2010 at 17:17

Hello to all my cousins and how lovely to hear from you. My friend from London was here when I posted this photo of Uncle Jimmy and was amazed by how I look like him. I was hoping at least one of you would see the family photos and pass the word around. Anyone got any more?

Comment by: Michelle Charlotte (was Griffiths) on 28th February 2010 at 22:31

Hi Irene I've just added one of my Nan and Grandad Jimmy and Harriet stood together along with one on my Mum Doreen when she was really young.

Comment by: graham coleman on 16th January 2011 at 20:03

my father in law what agreat man loved is family to bits

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