Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan
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Wigan Album
billinge road
rear of 94 billinge road(shop)
Photo: fred foster
Photo: fred foster
Views: 5,096
Item #: 12458
Item #: 12458
Bill Foster aged 15, holding the dog, Judy. She was a white english bull terrier and a great ratter. this pic was taken in 1950 with a box Coronet camera. The dog once scaled the gate in pursuit of a cat, which happily got away!
Comment by: Helen on 8th November 2009 at 21:23
Thats never Billy !
Comment by: a.winstanley on 15th February 2016 at 16:13
Is 94 billing rd on the right going down the road to wigan?
also which side was the DELPH? my granddad/grandma lived in the "stone built houses on right side going UP BILLINGE RD, ACROSS on left side was my AUNTIE MARY AND UNCLE BILLY HEATON 123 No I think, further down my auntie ALICE AND UNCLE JACK GASKELL AUNTIE NEE ( WINSTANLEY) ALSO AUNTIE MARY NEE (WINSTANLEY) MY DAD WAS THOMAS WINSTANLEY MARRIES ELIZABETH ANN MATHER1936. AS a kid spent many a time going down Delph
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