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Wigan Athletic


Wigan Athletic Supporters Club Cricket Team. c.1980
Wigan Athletic Supporters Club Cricket Team. c.1980
Views: 5,084
Item #: 12320
Photograph taken of the the Latics Supporters Club Cricket Team, who were playing in a Knockout Competion at Norley Hall Cricket Club c.1980.
Top Row L to R. Joe Baker. John Walker. Keith Holgate. Jeff Wright. Nigel Thomas. Graham Pye. Gordon Collier. Kenny Banks.
Front Row L-R. Dave Walsh. Ronnie Pye. Phil Taylor. Chris Coffey.

Comment by: Tony Topping on 27th October 2009 at 20:31

Not seen some of these rum lads for years!

Comment by: Joanne Baker on 1st April 2012 at 18:05

I think this picture of my Dad is fab ! :)

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