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North Ashton


Owd Bill Ryder from Downall Green
Owd Bill Ryder from Downall Green
Photo: Janice Ryder
Views: 4,429
Item #: 11999
Today 3rd October would have been owd Bill's 100th birthday. This photo taken in 1967 was the last we have of him.

Comment by: sidney on 4th October 2009 at 16:27

Looks like the bully he was.

Comment by: jimmy on 4th October 2009 at 18:48

janice owd bill was not a bully he was bulled himself . one day he said to me jimmy lad if i get any money again ill buy you a chicken farm those were the days x x

Comment by: Dave Lewis on 7th October 2009 at 21:33

i can see young bill in his father on this pic, would love to have met owd bill, i heard tales of him being a rum lad good old days.

Comment by: Dave Lewis on 10th October 2009 at 21:18

Hi janice, where did owd bill live on dgreen.

Comment by: lewis on 11th October 2009 at 19:39

ey sid if thats your name, its a good job hes not around to read your comment, or you would have to be living in sidney.

Comment by: janice on 11th October 2009 at 19:50

Hi Dave, he was born next door to were pat raff used to live on leyland green road, then they moved across the road next door to the chippy on boothsbrow road, then moved to a farm at earlstown were young bill was born, then moved back to billinge road downall green next to the police houses, thats when he had his haulage yard on dam corner, young bill would have been 76 yesterday the 10th.

Comment by: Dave Lewis on 20th October 2009 at 21:40

Thanks for that janice, my dad gerry would have been 76 last month i know they was in same class at school, i wish they were here to see these pics on album and tell us some more good old tales.

Comment by: Dave on 7th February 2011 at 02:17

My Dad (Old Bills cousin) used to say he didn't look for trouble, but when they heard of his reputation as a wrestler and how he was able to handle himself, some used to see it as a challenge to take him on. From what my Dad said, he often didn't seek bother, but when they brought it to him... Well... they paid the price. I remember my Dad visiting him an Ashton when I was little.

Comment by: Dave Lewis on 17th February 2011 at 20:21

Hi Dave, remember young bill had many a pint with him in bluebell & village club, he went school with my father and they both had us all in stitches with things they got up to, also went king of clubs when bill was on door lovely respected fella.

Comment by: Janice Ryder on 25th February 2011 at 15:20

Hiya David just seen your comment from the 7th Feb, knew your dad,we met him and your mum a few times they helped us a great deal when we were reserching the Ryder family history your dad was the last surviving cousin of old Bill,but sadly your dad is no longer with us now,we met your sister at the funeral but didnt get the chance to speak to you. What your dad told you about old Bill is correct and has been verified by lots of people who knew him.

Comment by: Janice Ryder on 25th February 2011 at 15:29

Hiya Dave just reading through the comments and funilly enough talking about young Bill today is the anniversary 25th Feb its 17years ago to the day when he died.

Comment by: Janice Ryder on 26th February 2011 at 20:17

Sorry David getting you mixed up with David Houghton as you will see from my last comment. I only realized who you were when i read your comment on the photograph showing old Bill holding up young Bill.

Comment by: Ged on 20th December 2013 at 20:16

Sidney said owd Bill was a bully, Only when he had drink in him, Otherwise you couldn't meet a nicer chap,

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