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Market Hall


Market Hall
Market Hall
Photo: Fred Mason
Views: 2,287
Item #: 11915
Fish Market, 1877 - photo taken in 1986.

Comment by: Art on 26th September 2009 at 00:47

I went to Gidlow school with Brian,played in the rugby team, knocked about together,seeing thaat we lived in the same village..

Comment by: stephen atherton on 26th September 2009 at 06:29

note the hare and game birds hung up outside,would have to be in chilled cabinet these days with all the new rules that are imposed on us.

Comment by: dave johnson on 27th September 2009 at 19:15

The price tag on the jeans is £9.99, yesterday I was in the Market Hall and as I walked in from the Mesnes St entrance I noticed loads of jeans priced at £5. Deflation or what?

Comment by: Martin Pearce on 30th September 2009 at 06:34

For some reason this market comes up in my dreams.....must be one of my early memories going there with my parents and grand parents through the 50's 60's 70's and into the eighties.Going through to the bus terminal out side whealans, very good times.

Comment by: Helen on 30th September 2009 at 09:48

Just for the record...I recently was in Inverness & visited the Victorian Market Hall there, it was built earlier than that, burnt down by a fire, then re-built abt the early 1800's. All glass & cast iron with a central arcade. Still going strong, busy with locals & visitors alike......

Comment by: Graham Hart on 25th October 2009 at 17:29

what a disgrace pulling the market hall down,we spent many hours walking round when we were kids,remember the cows heads over the butchers stalls,what progress,they have ruined part of wigan history like they have all over wigan,we won,t have anything in a bit only concrete and empty shops cos nobody can afford the rates?by the way my friends dad had a wet fish shop next to shacklady,s called Boylans,

Comment by: Fred Mason on 18th March 2014 at 22:34

Helen, I also walked through that market in Inverness in 2002.

It was lovely and had all the atmosphere that Wigan had in the fifties.

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