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Up Holland Grammar School
Old Upholland Grammar School
Photo: Martin Pearce
Photo: Martin Pearce
Views: 5,036
Item #: 11320
Item #: 11320
My Mother Dorothy Pearce {Alker}{1929-2000} is on the middle row fourth from the left. She went into nursing at Bolton then to Ormskirk Hospital.
Also in the photo is Freddie Unsworth who used to have the photograghic shop next to Baxters store in the sixties, on parliment street.He used to live at Alma Farm with his family, Janet ,Ruth , Judith and Donald. Donald and I went to school together but sadly Donald took his own life in the early eighties.
Also in the photo is Freddie Unsworth who used to have the photograghic shop next to Baxters store in the sixties, on parliment street.He used to live at Alma Farm with his family, Janet ,Ruth , Judith and Donald. Donald and I went to school together but sadly Donald took his own life in the early eighties.
Hello, Middle row 5th left , Mr Gerrard. Was he the Deputy Head? I am not sure that Ted Rowley is the young man on the 1st row and first to the to the left? And if Alan Budworth is the young man on the 1st row and 4th to the left?
The girl to the right of Mr Gerrard is my mum, Joyce Russell.
1946 was my last year at UGS The teacher Mr. Gerard was the maths teacher and joined the school in 1944 having previously taught at Wigan Technical College to degree level
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