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Heinz Standish


Pre Heinz Standish factory
Pre Heinz Standish factory
Photo: Brian Acton
Views: 7,560
Item #: 11106
Ariel view taken end of second world war, showing ICI Kynock armaments plant Bradley Lane Standish,before H J Heinz took over most of the factory for food production etc.

Comment by: Brian Acton on 2nd July 2009 at 08:42

Just to familiarize everyone with the view, north is to the top, with the main London Glasgow rail line running along the right hand side of the photo.Bradley Lane runs from west to east along the top of the photo, and the oblong arrangement, which is physically on the north side of Bradley Lane was the test firing range used to test.303 bullets made there during the war.I wonder if any ex Standish Heinz workers out there can identify there work place from the photo.

Comment by: Colin on 5th October 2009 at 04:38

The Main Factory Buildings where Carrington & Dewhurst Mill from 1945, steam supply was feed from Carringtons boiler house via over head pipework feeding the Heinz buildings until the 1960s. Carringtons had two weaving sheds with 760 looms and prep dept. Water jet looms where installed in the late 60s and the plant ran througt to the 90s by then Heinz had well gone relocating to Kit green.

Comment by: Brian Acton on 11th December 2009 at 19:59

Heinz had it's own boiler house supplying steam around the site by overhead pipework. The boiler house is half way down the photo alongside the main railway, opposite those seven sheds or so which run from west to east on the site.These sheds were never taken over by Heinz or Carrinton and Dewhurst, they were retained by the MOS to store armament making machines, which were serviced by a small gang of fitters etc.During the time I worked on this site, I worked many times both in those sheds, and in the boiler house. It is possible that Heinz had a supplimentary steam supply from C and D, that I didn't know of.

Comment by: Angela on 8th October 2020 at 14:08

Can anyone let me know when Heinz actually left the Bradley Road site and who purchased this from them?

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