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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

School Street


School St. 1901
School St. 1901
Views: 4,078
Item #: 10267
Photograph of School Street, taken in September 1901.

Comment by: John on 1st April 2009 at 15:19

Thanks a million for this pic Ron.

Comment by: Alan on 1st April 2009 at 19:04

Is this looking towards Wigan - or Greenough St ?

Comment by: Kevin Higgins on 5th April 2009 at 15:51

From the position of the shadows it must be looking towards the town centre ie. South West.

Comment by: Norman on 13th May 2009 at 05:43

This is looking towards Wigan.The bright strip half way down the photo is the sun shining down Upper Morris St.On the left(not in the picture)would be Boyswell Lane.

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