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Thilwind family.


What a bike.
What a bike.
Photo: Brian Thilwind
Views: 2,068
Item #: 25067
My 1st big bike and it was to big as you can see with the wooden blocks on the pedals you don't see that now I even had them on my 2 wheeled bike, photo taken some were in Golborne near Millingford brook.

Comment by: Christine Ward on 2nd April 2014 at 22:04

I love this picture of a happy child, was it in the 50`s as I had a bike like this in red complete with mudgaurds and a type of breadbin on the back to put my school bag in.
I had to cycle to school everyday with my mpther on her bike and every morning we would come face to face with a herd of cows which were brought back to the fields after miling. I was five years old and terrified of the cows so my mother would have to lift me behind some railings under a bridge until they passed. Thanks for bringing back lovely memories of my bike which I loved.

Comment by: Ellen on 4th April 2014 at 01:21

It looks just like I remember mine looking, down to the bell
on the left side of the handlebar! (Are you left-handed too?)
...My trike was red,what colour was yours?!

Comment by: Brian Thilwind on 4th April 2014 at 20:04

Christine and Ellen thanks for your comments, my bike was red but it must have been a Mk 1 as it did not have a breadbin on the back ha ha, I am right handed so the bell I had not noticed, did your bikes have blocks on the pedals.

Comment by: Ellen on 5th April 2014 at 03:47

It actually did have the blocks,until I grew a bit and in today's words, it was no longer "cool"!

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