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Platt Bridge


Platt Bridge
Platt Bridge
Photo: Thomas Sutch
Views: 4,419
Item #: 6674
Ex Wigan and LUT buses in Walthew Lane, Platt Bridge, July 1975.

Comment by: Harold Stevenson on 16th July 2008 at 14:00

I used to walk right past here on my way to St Nathaniels school. I used to live in Millers Lane and left there in 1964 when I got married. I now live in Michigan, USA.

Comment by: ste shirley on 16th July 2008 at 18:03

hi harold i remember this it seems only yesterday i went to st nathaniels and i am born and bred on millers lane i still live there i may no you or you may no my prents or sisters ste

Comment by: M. Grundy (Sharratt) on 3rd August 2008 at 17:32

Hi Harold Stevenson. What a transport system we had then. Those were the days. Remember me, lived in Collinge St, and used to work with Ann.

Comment by: BamBam on 3rd August 2008 at 22:23

I remember the single deck lut buses, used to travel to and from work on them, they ran through garswood, downall green, bryn and ashton, good old days.

Comment by: Wigwann on 28th April 2009 at 21:00

Remember me, cousin Harold I lived in Moss Lane!

Comment by: Dennis Miller on 22nd May 2009 at 04:58

Tom... it seems that every picture you post I have lived there! But not this time... but my dad did! From where the picture was taken you would have the Queen's Arms behind.... and a small terrace of three cottages would have been to the left (where the patch of grass is)... my father was born in one of them... there is in fact a picture of them in this section.


Comment by: susan milligan/ne eden on 2nd May 2010 at 13:25

i used to live number 7 millers lane at the beginning millers lane an old platt bridger.remember balls and kenyons toffee shop.mated with ste shirleys sister margaret happy days good old platt bridge.

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