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Platt Bridge


Platt Bridge
Platt Bridge
Photo: Thomas Sutch
Views: 5,586
Item #: 5515
Buses parked behind Lancashire United depot in Platt Bridge. January 1979.

Comment by: Andrew Hunt on 17th March 2008 at 19:25

Another great photo Thomas! All this has only been recently demolished, although it's quite a while since it was used as a depot...I thinkit was used as industrail units? You've brought back happy memories too of the LUT Social Club that's also long gone. Thanks Thomas.

Comment by: jonny boy on 23rd March 2008 at 19:37

i remember as a kid going over the fields and going playing near these buses.Happy days. Always wanted to become a bus driver but never did.I also remember the fire there late 70's early 80's i think it may have been in the social club

Comment by: Paul on 17th May 2009 at 10:46

Closed as an operational Depot in May 1986 after massive cutbacks in servces inthe run up to de-regulation later that year

Comment by: Steve Anam on 15th January 2010 at 21:39

I know this place, it was indeed industrial units beyond 1992, although I remember it as Components UK ltd. A mate of mine gave them my name as the guy to sort out the south. I drove to wigan in late `88 thinking "where the xxxx am I going! Cut a long story short, I met barry Casement & Simon Thackray, liked what I heard and we made headway. I met my first wife Joanne Mahon through working here with her brother. Fond memeories but the M6 wil be the death of me, love you all that I ever cared for and that care for me.

Comment by: Geoff K on 18th June 2011 at 23:17

Just down from there were two old barns, teeming with rats which provided target practice for air guns and catapults.
Further on, a bowling green, and then through a field on to Sammy's Flood.

Comment by: catherine battersby on 6th July 2011 at 16:03

i use 2 play in the buses,wiv in mates,happy days xx

Comment by: martin lundy on 30th November 2012 at 13:37

remember this well, we made a den under a low bridge on the pathway that was situated just to the left of where this photo was taken. we,d camp out of a night under this bridge with a sleeping bag if you where lucky, quilt of yer bed if you wasnt and a few old bus seats for a matress. Happy days!!!!! appart from the scolding of our mothers on returning home in the morning baggey eyed, black face,neck,hands & feet and smelling like the 660 bus to warrington. webby googy casper ellis tommy cal cunny hearty hunty and many more.

Comment by: paul heyes on 27th September 2013 at 06:48

jesus! i was born 1972 and i lived at 511 liverpool rd. i remember me and a few others used to play all over there and sammys flood,we used to throw rocks at the bus windows(naughty boys!). sorry

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