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Platt Bridge


Platt Bridge
Platt Bridge
Photo: Tom Sutch
Views: 3,326
Item #: 26291
320 from Liverpool to Wigan passing through Walthew Lane Platt Bridge, 25 April 1975.

Comment by: irene roberts on 27th March 2015 at 21:04

Brilliant, Tom!

Comment by: Colin Barnes on 28th March 2015 at 10:09

Tom, Great stuff.Great bus service from Wigan Corpy .Another great bus service through Platt Wass was the No 1 Atherton- St Helens every 15 mins .Not like today we've got the 620 useless.

Comment by: Andrew Hunt on 28th March 2015 at 11:54

What a photo. Thanks for posing Tom. Would love to share on my Facebook page please and other photos you have put on here in the past? Thanks Andrew (your former neighbour!!)

Comment by: Tom Sutch on 28th March 2015 at 18:07

No problem Andrew, use the ones you require.

Comment by: English Electric on 29th March 2015 at 09:58

Another piece of long-gone Wigan street furniture is across the road attached to the concrete lamp post - a discrete Corporation Bus Stop sign.

These were small, square metal plates with just the words "Bus Stop" or sometimes "Fare Stage" - maroon letters on white background for the Corporation, or white letters on a red plate if it was one of LUT's.

A lot cheaper & less intrusive (but also less informative) than the post-GMT versions, which have steadily grown in size, with their large squiggly-M logos, infoline phone numbers, plus the number of the one or two bus routes that come that way.

Comment by: DerekB on 29th March 2015 at 14:20

Can't distinguish whether or not they are on this sign but underneath the words Bus Stop there used to be the designation Inward or Outward on Wigan Corporation signs.

Comment by: Andrew Hunt on 30th March 2015 at 06:56

Thanks Tom!

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 30th March 2015 at 08:55

Another great photo of a bygone age, Tom.

Comment by: myra on 13th May 2015 at 00:54

I remember being on a bus like this once long ago. You could look out from the windows from the top deck because it was higher than the lower one. Some of my friends liked the lower decks , as we called it, but me and my other friends liked the top deck. We found it really exciting and giggled rather a lot. We had such fun as children, we played so many games that they don't seem to do now. Maybe I'm wrong. We played a game called hop scotch. Does anybody remember that? A lot of the time we played hide and seek. We ran for miles laughing, especially in the summer times. We had to be in by eight though, but we didn't mind because we were exhausted by then.

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