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Carvings on the Miners' Screen in St Matthew Highfield
Carvings on the Miners' Screen in St Matthew Highfield
Photo: Rev David Long
Views: 618
Item #: 34532
From the left they depict: A golden canary in a cage; crossed pick and shovel; pit-head gear; pony pulling a tub; steam locomotive; miner's lamp; fern leaves - presumably symbolising the plant material which resulted, millions of years later, in the coal seams being mined. Fossils of such ferns are very commonly found in the stone above and below the seams.

Comment by: Cyril on 23rd July 2023 at 18:23

It is wonderfully carved especially so the depictions of mining, but also the other parts of the screen too, I've been looking as to what the different depictions may or do mean, but haven't had any luck, I don't know what the three clover or shamrock like carvings and joined together in a circle in the screen are called, but they seem to have maybe a lamb or a lion lying astride the centre, maybe it's as St Patrick preached with the shamrock and explained about the Trinity, with the lamb or lion being Jesus. The grapevine perhaps as John says of Jesus being the vine, or maybe as being God's people as in Psalm 80. If anyone has ideas or knows what the depictions are please add your comments.

Comment by: Veronica on 23rd July 2023 at 20:02

It looks like a lamb to me Cyril ( as in lamb to the slaughter) with the Paraclete (Holy Spirit) above. The Trinity was explained by the three in one with the three leaves of clover or Shamrock. I remember that from school. You explained the grapevine very well. When I enlarge the photo it’s a bit blurry. Also Matthew was one of the Apostles wasn’t he? Very interesting.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 23rd July 2023 at 21:03

I can't see the lion/ lamb you mention, Cyril. The vine is symbolic of Jesus saying 'I am the true vine'; the shamrock-like carvings are called trefoils and are, as the shamrock in St Patrick's lore, symbolic of the Holy Trinity. A vine leaf is carved in their centres. The IHS on the left-hand shield on the arch are the initial letters, in Greek, of Jesus, Son (of God), Saviour. On the other side, the X and P are also Greek letters - Chi and Rho - the first two letters of Christ in Greek.

Comment by: Cyril on 23rd July 2023 at 21:59

Thank you Veronica and David for your enlightening comments.

David, with a magnifier if you look at any of the centre hubs of the three trefoils, then at the top of the hub is a small carved animal - lamb or lion which is lying down with a front and rear leg hanging over.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 23rd July 2023 at 22:30

Having the benefit of the original at full resolution, I can confirm that the design at the centre of the trefoils is a repeat of the vine leaf motif from the vines along the top.

Comment by: Cyril on 24th July 2023 at 14:22

Thanks David, you've cleared that up, images tend to distort through a magnifier and the branch had an appearance of an animal, though hats off to whoever did the carvings, they was a master of their craft.

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