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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Belle Green Lane, Ince


Belle Green Mission, 1952.
Belle Green Mission, 1952.
Photo: John Cartwright
Views: 7,982
Item #: 13
Belle Green Mission Walking Day of June 1952 passing the Bush Public House.

Comment by: josephine pennington nee beckett on 16th September 2009 at 22:23

hi john this is my first go at this i love this pic of up the lane iwas born in 1950 at 9 york st hr ince further up under the bridge

Comment by: James Aspinall formerly of 4 Stanley St B,G,Lane on 12th March 2014 at 10:00

Could the photographer be the John Cartwright whose father had the cobblers shop? I was in the same class and remember that he was the only boy who got to Grammer School along with Barbara Liptrott.I send my regards.

Comment by: Keith on 12th August 2020 at 21:11

At the time of this photo I think Jack Wood's parents were probably running the Bush public house. Jack was a good rugby league player who played for Leigh.

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