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Bamfurlong Methodist Church

1 Comment

Bamfurlong Methodist Church Walking day, 1965.
Bamfurlong Methodist Church Walking day, 1965.
Photo: Stuart Naylor
Views: 7,660
Item #: 11
Bamfurlong Methodist Church Walking day, 1965 on Lily Lane at Bamfurlong. In Bamfurlong today, there are two streets named, Enid Place & Dorothy Walk. These streets were named after two ladies who ran the sunday school, at the methodist church in Bamfurlong in the early 1960's. Enid was the Sunday school teacher and Dorothy used to play the piano, and help Enid look after the children. Enid died during the 1960's I don't know what happened to Dorothy.

Comment by: DAVID JOHN GOVAN on 8th November 2007 at 13:09

if my long term memory serves me right i'll take a guess and say that in the distance can be seen the old colliery and johnny waltons grain farm in the back distance.

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