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Wigan Album

All Saint's Church, Hindley


All Saint's Church, c1953.
All Saint's Church, c1953.
Photo: Yvonne Brown
Views: 10,002
Item #: 3
Thanks to John Davies for more information:
"It was the annual Rose Queen and I was the soldier stood on the far left, the year is about right".

Comment by: Evelyn on 22nd July 2007 at 16:38

I think that"Brittania" is Sheila Greenwood who I knew at H.A.G.S

Comment by: DAVID CHAMBERS on 15th August 2007 at 00:09

I can confirm it was the Rose Queen & Shiela is the queen.
I am 2nd left -Alan Porter is 4th left -Janet Baron is 6th left her sister Margaret is 3rd left -Margaret Woosey 4th left. My Grandmother Doris Lee made the soldiers outfits & my grandfather made the guns

Comment by: glynis dilworth on 21st September 2007 at 20:22


Comment by: David Rothwell on 22nd September 2009 at 11:27

I think that the young lady, furthest right, might be Janet Baron, from Lord Street, which is where Margaret Woosey also lived.

Comment by: GP on 9th January 2018 at 15:05

The "Guardsmen" from left to right are Jeffrey Hodkinson, Geoffrey Porter, David Chambers (rear), Alan Porter (with sword) and, I think, Stuart Betley. I believe John Davies was a Paige Boy, carrying the orb on a white silk cushion. The cub leading the procession is David Rigby. The young "Lady-in-waiting" at the front could be Jean Harrison.

Comment by: Stacey on 10th April 2021 at 22:07

Hi long shot but does anyone know if Barbara Higham is the young lady at the front (blonde one) I’m searching for a particular photo of my grandads sister on a walking day for all Saints.
1953 is the year that she passed away she took I’ll straight after her walking day and sadly passed she was only 8 years old

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