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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Colliery Lasses / Pit Brow Girls


A Wigan Colliery Girl. 1909.
A Wigan Colliery Girl. 1909.
Photo: Ron Hunt
Views: 5,466
Item #: 513
A Wigan Colliery Girl. Scanned from an old postcard. Postally used 1909.

Comment by: sylvia kendrick on 18th October 2009 at 19:13

I am trying to build up a collection of the postcards showing Pit Brow Girls. If anyone has any they would like to part with I would be glad to hear from them.

Comment by: Eddie on 12th April 2017 at 13:58

Theses images are still valuable to collectors and worth some money.
Wigan girls in "men's" clothes were considered at best oddities and at worst sexually available because of the way they dressed. Posh Victorian men collected the pictures for their 'erotic' potential.
These women had hard lives; most of them aren't even given the dignity of a name.
Sell them if you want to but consider donating them to local archives

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