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Hobbies / Books   (Gardening, walking, books, films, theatre etc.)

Started by: momac (12484) 

Hello all,rain was forecast but its a lovely day..up til now that is.
Got another couple of Avacados to try and grow an Avacados plant,already
tried it once but it failed,just suspend the seed over water in a glass of
water and there should be roots trailing in the water,takes about six weeks..
here's hoping.

Howdo Ray..I enjoyed the cryptics last night as usual.

Hello Marie,bet you're so glad to be back on line eh..one of the photos on
Album shows Packet House near Caroline St Wallgate..I've no idea where
that could have been have you?

chip,chap,cosy,cash,cahoots,hasp,host,hast,aitch,itch,tash,tosh,tosa.( A dog).

Vince must be having a great time seeing that he's into Harry Potter.

Thanks our Lizzie..I hope you had a nice day which I'm sure you did with
your Sis..it must be great to have a Sister.xx💜

Thanks for keeping me company Ray.

Replied: 29th Mar 2018 at 13:32

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