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Places   (Help with places, streets and buildings in Wigan.)

Started by: rayonline5555 (1163)

Its funny that there have been so many comments on this threadabout all the negative things that could happen to it in the future , and I`m as guilty as anybody in that respect...but with a little more thought and common sense everything about the garden could have been so much better ... why,Oh Why could they not have opened out the discussions to a wider audience than the pitiful few who attend these monthly meetings and ask for ideas on design on the internet?We are in the modern age of communication now and if people like Veteran,Trixie, Empress,Tonker,Dougie.Debbie,Oy.Mollie17 and many more of us would have had the chance to have an input into the final result and thus saved an awful lot of critism which does nothing for the community spirit which is ,after all, what it is all about......I`ll offer just one example....If you had a choice of that wall round it or an open metal fence just like that one round the christmas tree in the Town Green garden...Which would you chose? Just look again at Dougie`s photo from OUTSIDE the garden and notice how little can be seen of the plants and flowers INSIDE...With an open fence the whole of the garden which,next year will be a blaze of glorious colour hopefully... would be seen,and enjoyed,by the thousands of passers by who will not enter the garden at any time in their lives but will talk about what they see to everybody they meet ......And we did not need to have that wall despite what they will try to argue because the original garden didn`t have a wall.....And what else would you change?

Replied: 19th Aug 2009 at 00:35

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