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Better souñd

Started by: bentlegs (5330)

Does any one use a sound bar toj improve the sound output, I can the telly OK but it,s difficult to hear what they say for TV,,

Started: 5th Apr 2024 at 21:58

Posted by: peter israel (2148) 

i have a sound bar when i tried it out did not hear a big different so i don.t use it anymore....

Replied: 6th Apr 2024 at 07:18

Posted by: retep1949 (1228)

I bought a cheap Bush one and use it on LG tv and it does improve the sound quality slightly.I bought a more expensive LG one that I use on a Samsung tv and the sound is amazing especially for music and films.The built in speakers on my TV’s seem to be poor quality.

Replied: 6th Apr 2024 at 08:31

Posted by: Domin0 (633)

I connected the tele to the HiFi setup using the same speakers,so the sound is excellent.

Replied: 6th Apr 2024 at 12:05

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15615)

The reason that 'sound bars' have come about, is that as televisions have become 'thinner' so there has been less space for decent speakers to fit inside the set, televisions now are basically just the screen, and they now just have small speakers attached to the bottom of the set, pointing downwards, so to get the full sound range from the deep base of a sub woofter, to the high pitch of a tweeter, you now need an external speaker system, and that is why the sound bar evolved, a good sound bar will have a sub woofer, mid range speakers and tweeters.

You may have noticed that the sound bars are connected by optical cable or blue tooth, but a tip, and that is to make sure that in your TV sound settings, that the sound is switched to the Optical or Bluetooth setting, the sound bar will still work if the sound is set to TV speakers, but if you switch it to optical in the settings, the sound from the sound bar will become clearer, that is what happens on my system

Replied: 6th Apr 2024 at 14:19
Last edited by Tommy Two Stroke: 6th Apr 2024 at 14:20:26

Posted by: AngelWood (1074)

If there's only you watching bentlegs, a pair of wireless headphones might do the trick.

Replied: 6th Apr 2024 at 15:11

Posted by: Tommy Two Stroke (15615)


"I connected the tele to the HiFi setup using the same speakers, so the sound is excellent"

I like to listen to my television using headphones, but when I bought a new television, it had no headphone jack, you can only connect to an external sound system via Optical cable or Bluetooth.

I have some Bluetooth headphones, and I have some wired headphones, but the Bluetooth headphones are no where near the same sound quality of the wired headphones, and there is another problem with the Bluetooth, and that is that the Bluetooth output from the TV is just the raw sound, the TV sound settings, as regards balance and the graphic equaliser and other sound settings do not work over Bluetooth connections, you have to adjust those settings in your destination sound system, as in the settings in your Bluetooth headphones, and one of my ears is better than the other, so I need the balance control to get the volume right in both ears to get the full stereo sound experience.

So has regards the Bluetooth headphones, mine do not have any control over the sound, apart from the volume setting, there is no balance control, so the solution is to buy a some Bluetooth headphones with all of the bangs and whistles, as regards sound settings, but I was of the opinion that such a pair of headphones, would still not be of the same quality as that of my wired headphones, when connected to my old TV or HiFi system.

So I found a solution in the form of this piece of kit LINK which connects the TV Bluetooth sound into the Auxiliary port on my HiFi, where I can adjust the balance and anything else using the settings in my HiFi and it works brilliantly

Replied: 6th Apr 2024 at 15:56
Last edited by Tommy Two Stroke: 6th Apr 2024 at 15:59:26


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