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Fleece. Market Street
Fleece. Market Street
Photo: Peter Walsh
Views: 797
Item #: 34870
This map shows the covered alley to the Fleece Yard. I know the building fronts have been altered, but the backs look old and there appears to be a small yard still there.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 14th February 2024 at 13:01

Thanks Peter, just posted my comment on the other posting, I am pleased to be proved wrong! That Alley looks to have been the main entrance from Market Place.
Interesting that you feature on this map the Globe Vaults in Hallagte, now replaced with a more modern building with a ladies fashion boutique where it stood but the covered entrance to the back of the Globe Vaults is still there as a integral part of the building next door.

Comment by: Cyril on 14th February 2024 at 13:33

The Globe on Hallgate is another pub I hadn't heard of, folks were saying they didn't have much money and yet they had money to spend to keep all these different pubs going - for a time at least.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 14th February 2024 at 14:09

Cyril, there must have been a lot of money selling beer in those days to build all these great pubs and buildings, perhaps they were not taxed as much on alcohol or there was not much else to spend you pennies on!
Also see my most recent postings on the main Album recently viewed.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 14th February 2024 at 14:58

Cyril, sadly some men drank away what money they had at the expense of their wives and children going hungry. Not all men, by any means, but some. If they were lucky enough to be in work, (and mining , factory work etc, was hard back then), men deserved a pint or two, but some spent the lot.....rent, fuel and food money..... over the bar.

Comment by: Cyril on 15th February 2024 at 12:45

Yes so very true Irene, and I suppose the addiction to nicotine in tobacco also played its part in a lot of children going to bed hungry too, makes you wonder how those poor women coped to bring up families, and most likely they would be giving birth every year too. The Temperance Society and The Band of Hope would have done their best in promoting sobriety, but even now as it was then, it is up to the individual who has to want to change.

I've been having a quick read of an interesting article, link below, but it would take a bit of time to read through all the 4 chapters or parts.

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