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roman sites


Roman sites map
Roman sites map
Photo: Peter Walsh
Views: 1,825
Item #: 33977
The crosses mark where finds have been made. Wigan should have more of its Roman history and highlighted these places instead of burying them.

Comment by: Joe Thomas on 4th September 2022 at 12:54

Great photo Peter very interesting and your comment is very right

Comment by: Janette on 4th September 2022 at 16:31

Couldn't agree more with your comments Peter.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 5th September 2022 at 07:30

I agree with all the comments here. Why would any council want to try & erase a town's history rather than promoting it ?

Comment by: Cyril on 5th September 2022 at 17:06

Well said all and I too totally agree. When you think of the excavations around these areas over the years with each buildings foundations and cellars etc., being dug and the soil tipped onto the back of a cart or lorry and dumped elsewhere you wonder what wonderful relics were waiting to be found if someone had actually looked properly, the builders along with the town planners then as now would be totally unconcerned about Roman or any other remains and more than likely there would have been a lot of artefacts within this soil becoming lost. I'm sure it was only in the latter years (late 1960s onwards) that archaeological digs began taking place in demolition areas around town.

Though it seems the council are finally waking up to preserve what is left of the architectural structures within the town centre - a little too late is a phrase that come to mind, but better late than never I suppose.


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