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Martin McNicholas
Martin McNicholas
Photo: Veronica B
Views: 2,047
Item #: 33757
Drvr. M McNicholas
Middle East Forces
(Written on the back of photo)

Comment by: Donald Underwood on 19th May 2022 at 13:28

I do not think this is the Councillor
Maybe a son
The Councillor wold have been a generation older

Comment by: Veronica on 19th May 2022 at 14:27

I thought perhaps not. There was an older Martin McNicholas who lived in Cambridge St. There was quite a few McNicholas’s who lived in John St. the one above is the same generation as my dad.
It’s good to show a Scholes lad of a
the great generation. I think his mother Kitty was a friend of my grandmother…

Comment by: Cyril on 19th May 2022 at 15:49

Doesn't seem to be much if any leg room in the pickup, unless it's the way he's sat at the wheel.

Comment by: Veronica on 19th May 2022 at 17:45

It looks like it’s taken a battering whilst in the desert Cyril - it says 1940 on the back of the photo. I wonder if it got in the way of Rommel…..

Comment by: Cyril on 20th May 2022 at 16:39

I'm sure it would have played some part in the defeat of Rommel Veronica, those Desert Rats were tough bearing up in the intense heat of day and the cold and sometimes near freezing nights

Comment by: Veronica on 20th May 2022 at 18:19

The soldier on the left with his long apron reminds me of the dustbin men in the fifties when they came collecting the bins. That’s similar to what they wore. Bless him!
I would love to know what their duties were… at least they could have a fag whenever they wanted.

Comment by: Cyril on 20th May 2022 at 20:09

Yes I remember the binmen wearing a rubber like brat along with brown gabardine overalls, some of the men also wore matching caps. Those galvanised bins were heavy too even when empty and yet they had to lift them along with the weight of the rubbish and ashes into the lorry - no bin lifters on the lorries then. A couple of friends of mine their dads worked on the bins, one was a driver who had the best job just sitting in the lorry all day whilst the other did the donkey work, though not surprisingly he didn't do it for long.

The man looks to be very tanned or maybe he's Egyptian or other middle easterner?

Comment by: Veronica on 20th May 2022 at 22:05

I’ve no idea Cyril about the man on the left, I do remember Martin though he was red haired. Perhaps he worked in the kitchens ….I remember the bin men rolling the bins down our entry… they weren’t left up and down the street either. AND they didn’t get pinched like some do in todays world.

Comment by: Veronica on 21st May 2022 at 06:21

The photo is marked 1940 and 2 years later Churchill was declaring that “before El Alamein we had never had a victory but after El Alamein we never had a defeat”. It was the vital turning point in the war.
“This is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end. But it is perhaps the end of the beginning.”
We owe so much to that generation. I bet they could tell some tales.

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