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North Ashton


 Dam Corner North Ashton
Dam Corner North Ashton
Photo: Janice Ryder
Views: 3,639
Item #: 8924
Photo taken in 1934 showing 1 of Old Bill Ryders lorries on his pen at the Dam Corner. In the background you can see the Barrack Houses.

Comment by: Dave Lewis on 23rd January 2009 at 09:10

That's a cracker janice, is that lorry a bedford.

Comment by: David Thompson on 23rd January 2009 at 11:04

Janice these houses are confusing me which way is the photo looking towards Lyons farm or towards the Church. David

Comment by: Janice on 23rd January 2009 at 13:08

Hiya Dave yes it is a Bedford 2ton lorry. He had about 5 altogether. David the photo is taken if you can imagine you are stood were the lorry is Lyons farm will be over to the Rt of the photo were the trees are. Were you can see the windows of the cottages these were situated were the bungalows are now. And the ones going of to the right were situated going up to Jack Lyons farm.

Comment by: David Thompson on 26th January 2009 at 14:55

Thanks for that Janice can see it now, I remember once sheltering out of the rain under the Dam Bridge it was pouring down Alan Davies and me when we were kids stood on some rocks under the bridge having a quiet fag, I still got a good hiding off mother when I got home. David

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