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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Lower Ince


Lower Ince Walking Day.
Lower Ince Walking Day.
Photo: Paul Stebbing
Views: 4,767
Item #: 72
Collection of Lower Ince Walking Day photos, dating from the late 1940's to the early 1960's. Some of my family members can be seen amongst the crowds, they all attended Westwood Independent Methodist Chapel in James Street.

Comment by: J on 21st July 2008 at 23:48

This photo is of special interest to me as the lady next to the front is my grandma Hilda Baggaley. I also knew the lady at the front Annie Speakman

Comment by: JM on 22nd June 2012 at 16:40

The third lady with her back turned to the camera is my mother Ivy Martin.

Comment by: Kathleen Speakman on 20th August 2012 at 20:02

Annie Speakman was my Auntie and Elsie my mum.I couldn't believe it when I saw this picture!I remember Billy Martin so well what a nice guy.Mrs Baggley lived opposite my auntie Nellie.

Comment by: Margaret Sutton on 11th January 2014 at 14:05

I think the lady 4th from the front is my Aunty Doris Jones.

Comment by: Paul Martin on 14th February 2014 at 14:50

Think the lady fourth from the front (it's easy to miss number three as you can only see her head!) is Mrs Gibson who lived on Charterhouse Road.

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