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St Patrick's Walking Day


St. Pats crowning
St. Pats crowning
Photo: Joan Beckett (Wilding)
Views: 5,915
Item #: 6238
St. Patrick's crowning retinue 1962 Margaret Burley was the queen my brother John Wilding is right in middle of pic to his right is Thomas Gibson.

Comment by: Ste Jordan on 1st June 2008 at 00:09

I went to St Pats and remember if you carried the Crowning Queen's train(?)(ie the long cloak she wore!) at the crowning, you then carried a staff at the walking day. I remember carrying a staff but can't recall if it was walking day or crowning!!!!

Comment by: sandra webster on 2nd June 2008 at 00:09

bet your John will thank you for putting this one on Joan Ha Ha !!

Comment by: Joan Beckett on 4th July 2008 at 22:55

My mum was over the moon that our John was in the crowning, I can still see the suit now, pale blue with white ruffle. and I bet if we search it will be in someones bedding box, hahaha xxx

Comment by: rita adams on 11th October 2009 at 15:18

do u know if ian adams was in this group . he should be but i cant recognise him but i know he wore this pale blue and white get up thanx

Comment by: Steven breheny on 19th April 2017 at 12:51

This was our year John Stevens on right going left was Tommy Gibson myself at back John Wilding Brian clough Kenny hindley phil Clark I think billy Thompson Mick closick

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