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Appley Bridge


Taken from Canal Bridge looking towards Upholland.
Taken from Canal Bridge looking towards Upholland.
Photo: Ron Hunt
Views: 5,295
Item #: 923
Taken from Canal Bridge looking towards Upholland.

Comment by: Kevin Brown on 27th October 2008 at 14:26

Dating this would be very interesting.
The first house on the left had two families living in it.
The top floor going up the steps was Roscoes, and underneath were the Connors.
Opposite there is no Platts Grocery shop, next to that no Stringfellows, a set of Semi Detached, then the Allison Arms.
There still appears to be no White City. no houses after the terraced houses, where eventually Jubille Terrace and Rydall Mount became.

Comment by: Kevin Brown on 27th October 2008 at 19:43

Correction on my last comment.
Change name from Strigfellow to Parkinson

Comment by: Kevin Brown on 19th December 2008 at 17:25

I have just remembered that the wall on the right has been rebuilt on a number of occassions.
Numerous wagons coming over the bridge crashed into it because of speed,brake failure or misjudgement.

Comment by: Lorraine Curran on 12th May 2013 at 11:49

What year did the railway go in? and what year is the postcard from? Thanks

Comment by: Stephen Smith on 7th March 2015 at 07:43

I cannot say when the photograph was taken but the railway came to Appley Bridge in 1855 and was made double track five years later

Comment by: linden ashcroft on 8th December 2018 at 15:31

i was born at 13 jubilee terrace but during the war my mother moved in with my grandma mrs dawber and i lived there next to waltons and we all walked to roby mill school them to the catholic school - me to the c/e school any one remember me

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