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Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

St Matthews, Highfield

1 Comment

St Matthews Highfield Junior School 1968
St Matthews Highfield Junior School 1968
Photo: Stephen Kirk
Views: 3,469
Item #: 31588
Class Photograph 1968.
From memory the names are:-
Back Row:- Stephen Kirk, Peter Cooke, Carol Hollingsworth, Keith Grundy, Doreen Grimes, Sandra Marsden, Christine Whalley, David Sherrington, David Lowe, Sheila Hoy, Neil Batho.
Middle Row:- Michael Pearce, David Aspinall, Steven Weir, n/k, Brian Liptrot, Andrew Billington, David Parkes, John Hickey, Richard Molyneux, Jim Baker, Ian Mcbride, Ian Makinson.
Front Row:- Janet Evans, Susan Green, Janet Grundy, June Downham, Valerie Taylor, Eileen Williams, Diane Melling, Lorraine Smart, Kathleen Winstanley, Alison Murray, Diane Morgan.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 11th October 2019 at 07:43

I see my cousin Mavis Mellings daughter is in both these photos. Good clear pics

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