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Lower Ince


Lower Ince Labour Club - as was in December 2005
Lower Ince Labour Club - as was in December 2005
Photo: Rev David Long
Views: 2,961
Item #: 31064
Since demolished and the site redeveloped with housing.

Comment by: Jinksi on 16th March 2019 at 22:33

Kids from Lower Ince & Spring View used to march from Labour Club up To Lower Ince Station get the Train to Southport on a Day trip.Fish,Chips,Peas,Mug of Tea in Cafe top of Lord St.Most Kids only Holiday every year. ( it was mine & my Brothers ). Always had a good day. Even saw the Sea at Southport once. Even had my photo took with Charlie Chester on Pier.

Comment by: Alan H on 17th March 2019 at 10:20

Jinksi, you had to go to Ince station to get to Southport. Lower Ince station was on the Wigan Central to Manchester line

Comment by: Jinksi. on 17th March 2019 at 15:06

Alan H, sorry put wrong Station,ment to put Ince. Lower Ince Station was across from Manley lads used to get train there going to Irlam Steelworks.

Comment by: John Gaskell on 17th March 2019 at 15:35

I worked behind the bar for a while in 1972. The stewardess was Phyllis and her husband Fred.

Comment by: Andrew on 19th March 2019 at 19:44

My first experience of the Labour Club was 24th December 1980 as a new chorister at St Mary's Parish Church - every year we spent the week before Christmas singing carols around the parish which culminated at the Labour Club at about 9pm. The Club was packed to the rafters and the club kindly welcomed the choir to sing carols which raised a few quid towards the annual choir trip. In those days every parish had a choir and very chorister was 'paid' - usually a token gesture. At St Mary's we had an annual 5 day trip away somewhere instead of the pay! In the early 1980's the trip was usually to Scarborough, The Isle of Man, Hinning House or Low Bank Ground. The adults in the choir kindly gave a week of their time to facilitate the trip and ensure it was safe. Nowadays, I look back every Christmas Eve and remember with fondness the folk of Ince and the very warm welcome they gave us! I remember one year in the late 80's and the weather was simply too horrid to take the choir out carol singing on Christmas Eve: a few hours later one of the locals turned up to St Mary's just before the start of the Christmas Midnight Mass to enquire if the choir was ok - he loved the annual visit from the choir and it formed such an important part of his Christmas. Back then, we had nowt but I was never happier than when I was singing in that choir: the mates I made are still my most important friends 40 years on. I even married one of them!

Comment by: Albert.S. on 22nd March 2019 at 10:19

Many years ago,probably in the fifties, I remember a stalwart of the club getting up to the mike, and making an announcement about a trip for the old folks. His parting comment was” Ther’ll be ham sandwiches, and chicken butties”.

Comment by: Philip G. on 25th March 2019 at 13:29

Nice one, Albert; sandwiches in last position wouldn't have had quite the same 'ring' about it.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 25th March 2019 at 19:13

Does anyone know where the handsome bronze WW1 Memorial Plaque which was in the Club went to?
I know the WW2 plaque is in the Legion Club in Aspull - but can't find out why the WW1 one wasn't similarly safeguarded.

Comment by: Josh on 30th March 2019 at 08:38

A thing of beauty it ain't, but it epitomises the phrase, it's what's inside that counts.

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