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Wigan RL
Wigan RL
Photo: Scholes Malc
Views: 6,616
Item #: 23870
A great shot which shows a very young Wigan coach but what is obviously amiss with this team photo?
Pint for first correct answer.....but you also have to name...
1. Ground
2. Year
3. Players

Comment by: Jimmy Birts on 7th September 2013 at 11:28

Naughton Park, 1982,
back Row, Martin Foy, Alan Hodgkinson, John Milner, Shaun Wane, Danny Campbell, Mick Scott.
Front Row, Gary Stephens, Henderson Gill, Steve Nicholson, Colin Whitfield, Nicky Kiss, Dennis Ramsdale.
Only 12 players in the photo missing is Mal Aspey.
Wigan lost 20 -0, if you look at the Widnes team that day Wigan were lucky to get 0.
Do I get a pint, if I do can I have a pint of Baileys!!

Comment by: Quizzer on 7th September 2013 at 11:57

Here we go...there are only 12 players on the photo!
1.Athletic Grounds, Rochdale
3.1. George Fairbairn, 2. Dennis Ramsdale, 3. John Butler, 4. Trevor Stockley, 5. Barry Williams, 6. Les Bolton, 7. Gary Stephens
8. Danny Campbell, 9. David Williams, 10. Eddie Bowman, 11. Dennis Boyd, 12. Steve O'Neill, 13. John Pendlebury
Subs Used:14. David Walsh, 15. Mick Nanyn

Comment by: tony on 7th September 2013 at 12:03

4th from left at top Shaun wayne,5th along bottom from left is Is Ian lucas?,2nd from left at bottom row Henderson gill?8th from left at bottom Denis ramsdale? Maybe Hilton park?A miss are only 12 players on photo not 13.

Comment by: Scholes Malc on 7th September 2013 at 12:26

jimmy birts - you don't even get a small baileys! Mal Aspey is on there!

Comment by: broady on 7th September 2013 at 13:14

Colin Whitfield is the missing player.

Comment by: Maureen on 7th September 2013 at 14:02

Jimmy,if you get a pint of Baileys..can I have a glassful please...mmmmm

Comment by: Scholes Malc on 7th September 2013 at 19:38

correct broady - I think 'jimmy birts' has already been on the Baileys!

Comment by: Broady on 7th September 2013 at 20:28

Scholes Malc,
I think Quizzer has!!!

Comment by: J Glover on 8th September 2013 at 07:46

Is that why we kept loozin Malc back then with 12 men.It's a good job we couldn't count with the scores that came up back then.Remember when the teams used the Ball and Boot for after match drink's.

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