Wigan Album
Platt Bridge
12 CommentsPhoto: Dennis Miller
Item #: 22006
The moated manor house of Low Hall, Platt Bridge, was the seat of the Langton family, Lords of Hindley from about 1330 to 1733. Thirty years after this it was sold, together with the Manor of Hindley to the Duke of Bridgewater. The photograph was taken in 1872.
Thank you to Pam for passing the photograph onto me... it is from her fathers estate.
Great picture, what a lovely old house. The Lord of the Manor is certainly striking a pose.
What a great photo - really "atmospheric"
Many years after this photograph was taken, and the Wigan coal field came under the N. C. B., just after world war 2 This area was where trainee miners were trained for underground mine working.
where actualy was this house?
Looking on Dennis' website of old maps, it seems to me that Low Hall was, for want of a better description, at the back of St Nat's church where the small housing estate is today.
Low Hall was on the edge of Low Green. It was between Ridyard Street, Moorfield Street and Barton Road, almost at the back of St Nat's.
What a great photo. It seems there were a lot of old houses like this in other areas of Wigan which have been pulled down - I would like to think it wouldn't happen now but too late to save our heritage.
I have the same photograph in a book named Around Hindley And Abram, compiled by Wigan Heritage Services. In the 1940s the ruined walls were still standing, as kids we used to say it was haunted.
Didn't Low Hall link up with the other Halls - Bryn, Bamfurlong etc somehow through a series of tunnels for hiding/ escaping priests?
I had heard the a tunnel went from Low Hall to what was pollits farm near the cricket field!
We heard the same story at St.Nats school,so me and Eric Pugh[Chuddy) crept into the barn at Pollits farm to look for the secret tunnel,we were hopeing to come up at the Moat but Nurse Pollit spotted us and chased us off,so that ended that little adventure.
We used to play in the ruins of Low Hall Manor
( It was known to us as playing 'Down't Farm' when we were kids we also used to fish in the moat for newts