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Aspull Secondary School


The End
The End
Photo: Dennis Seddon
Views: 5,535
Item #: 21959
The end of Aspull High School.

Comment by: Walt ( North Yorks) on 19th November 2012 at 21:17

Dennis, remember our first day at this school back in 1958/9, the smell of new paint, waiting to hear our names being called out and following our form teacher to a brand new class room. Being told that 'you will' walk on the left in the corridors and when going up or down the stairs. Remember how anxious we all were at the time, meeting new teachers also seeing our Headmaster Mr Firth with his gown and that stern look on his face, what memories, 54 years ago and still fresh in my mind. 'Thanks for the pic old friend.

Comment by: Sandra Miller nee Kay on 25th November 2012 at 14:14

Yes, Walt, I remember that first day very well and the walking on the left bit. I also seem to remember that Miss Eastwood made us all go out and walk in again because we were talking!!. No body said anything about silence. The small primary schools we came from didn't do that sort of thing. It was all very nerve wracking hoping your name was called out with someone you knew! I went round to Christine Mayor's house that first morning so we could walk and arrive together. The place seemed HUGE after Aspull C of E and so many people. All of about 320? Tiny compared to secondary schools of today. Once settled in though I seem to remember enjoying my time there except for gymnastics - couldn't do it!

Comment by: Walt (Nth Yorkshiore) on 25th November 2012 at 16:11

Hi Sandra, remember how strange it was to change class rooms for the different lessons, a different teacher for each one of those lessons. Being asked to square off a weekly page in our diary and writing in those squares, the time table for your next lesson. Yes, you are right about walking quietly and -- quickly to the next lesson. Also, being given a locker to keep your school books in. I loved the PE lessons we could let off steam. I also remember being told by a certain woodwork teacher that I would be useless even at chopping firewood, Oh the confidence boost that gave me !. Oh yes, and remember the very first morning when we all tried to enter through the main door only to be told -- student entry via the small gate on Stanley Road, made us feel wanted didn't it ?.

Comment by: David Killinger on 10th June 2013 at 13:52

Hi Walt
Just to let you know the woodwork teacher who said you would make firewood was my uncle Tom Chadwick. I hope you forgive him. He passed away a number of years ago in Lancaster.
I attended Aspull for the first 3 years of my secondary school life. I remember how good the teachers were and I had a number of good friends I have sadly lost contact with.
For those who were in the school band just to let you know that Harry Bentham died about a year ago.
I would love to hear from anyone to chat about the old school and friends.

Best wishes to you all
David Killinger

Comment by: David houghton on 10th February 2015 at 07:13

Anybody remember the woodwork teacher Mr Baxendale (Ken) also taught guitar on the side.

Comment by: Gary Bibby on 20th June 2015 at 08:34

A few of my Family attended Aspull inc My Dad John,Brother Kelvin and myself until it closed. Had some fun times.

Comment by: David Barker on 18th November 2015 at 19:02

Remember Mr Baxendale excellent woodwork teacher I made a classical guitar my last year at school and finished it at night school, 1973-74,and Ive just finished a refurb on it.
Baxendale made his own guitars and taught guitar also.

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