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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

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poolstock cricket club


Presentation Night
Presentation Night
Photo: Ken Broxson
Views: 3,610
Item #: 19006
This was a mixed sports night.cricket,football,darts, dominoes and fishing sections presented their awards.See how many names can be spotted

Comment by: Andy Hulse on 21st December 2012 at 19:10

front row L-R, Darren Tracy, Andrew Hargreaves, Andrew Hulse,Andrew Ainscough and Gary Walsh

Comment by: Darren Tracey on 2nd April 2013 at 20:39

My God, I remember this photo...
Can't believe I ever had so much hair!(lol)
Not sure if us lot in the front row, were part of the Under 13's or Under 15's? - We had a good team though, from what I remember :)
I drove past of what's left of the ground, the other day. Sad to see a housing estate being built on it..

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