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Ormskirk Road on a Quiet Day in 1967.
Ormskirk Road on a Quiet Day in 1967.
Photo: Colin Harlow
Views: 6,324
Item #: 18802
This junction was known as the old Pemberton bottleneck, this letterbox picture scene is captured after road widening in 1967. The White Swan Hotel on the left. Little has changed apart from traffic congestion.

Comment by: tommyc on 30th October 2011 at 09:49

cant recal stantons in white st.

Comment by: Cyril on 30th October 2011 at 14:36

I remember being told that two lads who were having a fight rolled into the road and was killed by a bus, and that's why they put up those railings along the pavement on the right hand side of the road. Anyone know if this was true.

Comment by: Chuff on 30th October 2011 at 14:49

The milk float belonged to Richmond Hill Dairies of Richmond Hill, Pemberton which is just off picture. I spent some very happy times working there as a boy.

Comment by: Mick on 30th October 2011 at 15:07

Stanton's was a general grocery store, was there until the early 1980's.

Comment by: Barry Prior on 30th October 2011 at 16:09

Stantons made crumpet and meal cake and pies.
THe people that died was the black bull was there and it was a real bottlenneck.

Comment by: fred foster on 30th October 2011 at 16:24

Stantons used to make crumpets, meal-cakes,chicken pasties and potato cakes behind the shop, I can taste them now!! Bill Stanton was knocked down on the crossing near Asda and he died from his injuries. He was 90 at the time.

Comment by: tommyc on 30th October 2011 at 19:32

yes cyril its true about the deaths, were the rails are there used to be a cafe used mainly by youths with a juke box, a novelty at the time, a fight which ended outside under a bus. hence the railings.

Comment by: tricia on 30th October 2011 at 20:15

Yes, Cyril, the story is true. They were fighting in the road and it was a Ribble bus that killed them. They were not very old either.

Comment by: JOHN BELSHAW on 3rd December 2011 at 13:32

Chuff, do you remember to paople that worked at the dairy called Dick Bennet and Ken Greenway? Ken is a relative and Dick lived next door to me in Leader Street. Didn't Stantons have someone walking the streets with a basket full of potatoe cakes and crumpets etc knocking on doors?

Comment by: Margaret Brown (nee Corless) on 28th November 2013 at 22:02

Ken Greenway was my Mum's cousin who sadly passed away earlier this year. If your Mum was Martha then we are related. My Mum was Betty Gee and your Grandma Bradshaw was my Granddad Gee's sister. She kept the off licence on Ormskirk Road, Pemberton.

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