Wigan Album
Princes Cinema, Wigan
Photo: Ron Hunt
Item #: 1684
My mother worked at the Princess in 1935.Her maiden name was Annie Booth of Bottling Wood.Still have the reference from June 1935 signed by a Mr M.Carr
My uncle,who still lives at Bottling Wood tells me he remembers the Princes being opened by Anna Neagle (later to become Dame Anna Neagle)sometime in the 1930's ? At the time she was a really top star of both stage and screen. All this at a time when most Wiginers lived hand to mouth,really hard times with genuine poverty the norm for most,even those "lucky" enough to be in work. A "SUPERSTAR" in town! And, as my old Gran used to say,"wiantanapnyferscratarswi" urttime .
I managed to get a photo of this just before the emblem was removed.It's on wiganworld somewhere.
Saturday morning matinee for a tanner, good memories.....