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N C B workshops Kirkless


Kirkless Workshops
Kirkless Workshops
Photo: Geoff Williams
Views: 3,570
Item #: 14637
Main entrance to workshops, the lawns were always kept in pristine condition

Comment by: Andrew Wilkinson on 20th March 2011 at 16:49

I worked at Kirkless up to closure,been back a couple of son,times since,nothing is in pristine condition now,as it was in this photograph.Be nice to hear from anyone who remembers me from back then.I have seen Ronnie Johnson,Ronnie Briscoe, Bob Kay and does anyone remember Frank Davis and Barry Teasdale.

Comment by: Big Ted Eddie Power on 17th May 2011 at 20:15

I remember Big Frank Davies,He once lit his pipe on the bus coming to work.The conducter and the driver told him to put the pipe out or get off and walk.Needlesley to say Frank got off the bus and walked to work.He used to drink 6 pints in the 20 mins that we had for dinner.He was a great charachter.

Comment by: Gordon Fairhurst on 29th October 2021 at 16:16

I remember most if not all of the people & the photos of Kirkless
Workshops. I worked there from 1961 until it closed when I took early retirement in October 1985. (Great place to work).(Chief Workshop Inspector).Gordon Fairhurst.

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