Wigan Album
Photo: Keith Bowen
Item #: 12573
Very interesting Keith. I never realised that so many bombs fell on Wigan. I once heard that a bomb fell in Greenough St during the second world war, but I don't know if this is correct - maybe someone will enlighten me?
Hi John, yes I believe a bomb did fall on Wigan in the Second World War. My father certainly used to recall it. The bomb was dropped probably by a German bomber to lighten his load home after a raid on Manchester. It destroyed a Church (Methodist?) at the top of Greenhough Street, I don't think anyone was injured and the Church was re-built.
Great map that, Keith.
My wife was born in Preston St and I can remember that part of the terraced row was missing, I can see why, now
My grandmother who lived in Harper Street at the time had a lifetime fear of thunder and lightning brought about by this bombing. Now I'm old enough to appreciate the problem and having seen the photo of the destruction around Harper Street I now understand, unlike when I was a callow youth, that having four exploding bombs drop around you without warning, while you as a teenager cowered under the kitchen table with the rest of your family as the house windows were being blasted out, would leave its scar. Lucky to have escaped with her life but not untouched by the horror.
my great grandma saw the zepplin over aspull, i wonder what would have happend had they hit the gasworks with the first 1
My Nan told me that a bomb fell near to where she lived around Greenough street in WW2. Apparently, she ran out into the street with my Mum in her arms when it fell.
The talk about the German Zepplin takes me back a bit. My great uncle Walter Foster of New Springs witnessed the raid. He told me that on the night of the raid the Germans started bombing in Ince and headed to New Springs at some point the management at the top place steel works, thought they were the target and lifted the bells off the top of the blast furnaces. Lighting up area, convincing the Germans they had hit their target. However this was to late for his sister Mary Jane Henry who's house near New Springs bridge was destroyed in the raid. To add insult to injury in W.W2 Great aunt Mary Jane was bombed out again by the Germans. What were the chances of that happening? If she was here today I bet she woukld'nt drive B.M.W or Audi.
My dad reckons there is shrapnel damage to the brickwork of the Silverwell (?), caused by the Zeppelin bombs
A bomb fell in Scholes Wigan on the Independent Methodist [I,M,] "mother" church's building at the top of Greenough Street, after a Women's Auxiliary meeting had dispersed. It demolished the inside and left the peripheral walls standing. The Welsh Church kindly allowed them to hold services in their chapel opposite. Later the moved to Central Hall, Station Road.
This must have been absolutely terrifying at the time for people on the ground, no one would have had ever seen or imagined anything like it.
it would be like today if one of those alien space ships from Si Fi movies suddenly appeared overhead.
My mother would have been only 5 at the time but she recalled living with her mother and grandmother near the path of the Zeppelin and the terror it caused. Her grandmother said ' Lets all gas us selves' as she grabbed her bonnet from the back of the kitchen door as they rushed to hide in the cellar.