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Harrock Hall


Harrock Hall.
Harrock Hall.
Photo: Ron Hunt
Views: 11,173
Item #: 1205
Harrock Hall. Scanned from an old postcard.

Comment by: Christi on 4th April 2007 at 20:52

What a beautiful place. It's a crying shame that a lot of Wigan's great places are long gone

Comment by: Kevin on 12th July 2007 at 14:01

We have had confirmation that Harrock Hall is still standing. The following websites about Harrock Hall.
This first one was updated by Mr Rob Watt on January 6, 2007, proving
that Harrock Hall still exists.

The Lancashire Parish Portal also mentions Harrock Hall in its
description of Wrightington council.

And a reply from the Local Council ormskirk.enquiries@lcl.lancscc.gov.uk
states it is still standing. And a maps.google.com search certainly shows an impressive building stading in its correct location.

It would be great to get a definitive answer.


Comment by: Emma on 20th July 2011 at 13:06


I can confirm that Harrock Hall is still standing. It is a family home. My Dad is the head garderner there. It is a beautiful place.

Comment by: charlie on 22nd August 2011 at 22:22

the hall is still standing as i live near there and my friend used to live there till she died in a car accident when it belong to parbold hall farms her bedroom was the only one with a little window box on the window upstairs with flowers in

Comment by: Sheila Luptom on 21st June 2021 at 09:54

I believe is was the birth place of one of our English Martyrs St. John Rjigby . Is there any reference or relic

Comment by: Kim Bolton on 6th July 2021 at 07:54

My 12th GG Father was Nicholas Rigby who apparently was from Harrock Hall. Does anyone have any info on that?

Comment by: Lawrence Rigby on 8th July 2021 at 23:47

I have traced my family tree back to this place, I am wondering if it is possible to view tour the place? I will be visiting next summer 2022 from Nova Scotia, Canada.

Comment by: Maureen on 30th July 2023 at 15:33

Does William Ainscough the property developer still live there.

Comment by: Tim on 12th November 2023 at 10:19

Bill Ainscough still lives there

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