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Appley Bridge


Appley Bridge Mission Church
Appley Bridge Mission Church
Photo: Mark Conroy
Views: 2,975
Item #: 11326
Appley Bridge Mission Church

Appley Lane North

Probably 1960/70s

Now converted into a house with a little housing estate at the back.

Comment by: linden Ashcrotft on 30th July 2009 at 20:21

I used to attend there when it was a school during the week and a church on sunday and I remember the mission hall at the side of it where they used to hold dances

Comment by: Mission Church and School on 30th November 2013 at 04:02

Can anyone tell me when the Mission was built. I know there are photographs on Wigan World from the 1890s when it was under construction

Many thanks

Comment by: Stephen Smith on 27th April 2016 at 13:50

It was dedicated on 1st November, 1894 - All Saints Day and was I believe built within the year ie 1894

Comment by: Eric Gaskell on 11th February 2019 at 23:33

I was a member of the church choir and attended Sunday School there. My Mother went to school there when she lived in Hayes street, Maiden name Grimshaw.

Comment by: james patrick abram on 27th May 2019 at 15:19

Iwent to school at the mission from 1961 my teachers were mrs fairhurst mrs simm , mrs houghton the dinner lady. my aunty phoebee told me one of our relatives heped build it.

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