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Appley Bridge


Appley Bridge - Then and Now
Appley Bridge - Then and Now
Photo: Kerry Balcer
Views: 3,424
Item #: 10436
View of Lockkeepers Cottage at the twin locks in Appley Bridge, as if going to Parbold.
The cottage would have been on your left hand side.
I have used a photo from this site and then taken another photo(earlier this evening)from a similar spot to where the original was taken from, so the two can be compared.

Comment by: lesley williams (winnard) on 16th August 2018 at 18:48

Wow...My Dad came from Appley Bridge,,,Mum from Hoscar...been through this lock on a narrow boat...many good memories.Lock bloody deep though!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hard to believe Parbold & Appley Bridge are now POSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Not in my day!)

Comment by: Pat on 1st February 2022 at 16:00

Was your dad norman

Comment by: James Abram on 27th October 2023 at 18:29

My grandfather John abram was a coal cutter ,I have a photo of him & two others on the barge on the canal

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