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Rigby Family ,
Rigby Family ,
Photo: Phil. Taylor
Views: 3,719
Item #: 10364
A photo of the Rigby Family. They lived in City Road in the Pemberton area.
My Great Grandfather is sat 2nd on front row, my Grandma is sat on the right hand side of the front row.
Dont know what year it was taken.

Comment by: Adalghiza Torsson on 27th May 2009 at 11:29

Do you know Alice Rigby? Has she been married with Ralph Barton at 7 june 1740 in Wigan? They´ve got 4 children: Thomas, Catherine, James and Patrick. Thomas got several children and after him and several generations one Thomas Barton moved to Argentina and he got several children, one of them was Ralph John Barton Wild and moved to Peru. He was He got several childre an one of them was Ralph Barton Thompson. He got several children, he too, and he was my grandmother´s mothers dad. Now i´m living in Sweden´. I´m married and we have four children. Do you know somebody who knows more about my ancerstor? Do you say so?

Comment by: Alliheat on 18th June 2012 at 16:17

Can you identify any of the people on the photo please, as my family were Rigby's of City Rd Pemberton. Would much appreciate it as never seen my gt grandparents

Comment by: Phil Taylor on 30th June 2012 at 12:29

Hi Alliheat.
The only ones I know are my Great Grandfather John Rigby and my Grandmother Martha Jane Rigby as stated.I know there was 3 more sisters Maggie ,Annie and Lizzie.Their mother died at an early age and John Rigby married again and they had a daughter who ended up a school teacher. That's all I know.My mother is still alive but partially sighted and cannot make out any of the faces in the photo.

Comment by: Phil Taylor on 30th June 2012 at 14:11

Sorry,it's not Lizzie it's Mary

Comment by: Martin Rigby on 27th October 2012 at 00:43

Follow this link as it might help.

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