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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Market Place, Wigan


Some of the shop fronts in the 1950's
Some of the shop fronts in the 1950's
Photo: Dennis Miller
Views: 2,930
Item #: 10251
I don't really remember a lot of these, but it will jog a few memories I hope?

Comment by: Helen on 7th April 2009 at 15:05

This is such a good photo of a bit of Wigan I remember so well, I can almost hear the hustle & bustle. We are really lucky that others had the presence of mind to use their cameras for posterity.

Comment by: Dean Puckering on 28th October 2009 at 02:05

Being only 22 I obviously don't remember a lot of these, but I am VERY proud of where I come from, and I LOVE looking at these old pictures, and taking my own from the same spots and doing comparisons. I just know for a fact that people won't look fondly on my photos in 25 years time, as we do now looking at these, since Wigan now has died a death. I hate what they've done to my town.

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