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Spring View


Pic from John Mosley of his parents outside their off-licence
Pic from John Mosley of his parents outside their off-licence
Photo: Rev David Long
Views: 6,003
Item #: 15486
Sid and Annie Mosley outside their shop at 292 Warrington Road, Spring View. It stood on the corner of Norman Street. This was approximately where the roundabout at the entrance to the new Holme Park Estate is now.

Comment by: Peter on 9th August 2010 at 12:57

I used to come home from work through Spring View before they knocked down all of the houses and shops. There seemed to be a large number of shops from the Cemetery right through to Platt Bridge

Comment by: Jimmy m on 9th August 2010 at 23:32

Brilliant Picture that is what a shop should look like. Not bars on the windows like shops today. Last time I went in a off-licence it had glass screens in side the shop. The world has just gone mad, well it has been for a long time!

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 10th August 2010 at 17:20

The oval orange "Brooke Bond" tea advert in the window was in every shop in those days, as was the penny tray, the string of paper bags and the "tick" book!

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 12th August 2010 at 12:03

I agree Jimmy M, if these supermarkets carry on at the speed their opening new stores, the corner shop will be history. Another new tesco is opening soon at Platt-bridge, where what used to be The Platt-bridge inn. A stone throw away is the CO-OP and Netto. Can anyone remember chewing gum machines ontside shops like sids, can you imagine what would happen to them today.

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 12th August 2010 at 14:35

Yes Colin, I remember them well, outside various shops in Ince...PK or Beechnut. Sometimes they gave a free one with every fourth penny or something like that, (the memory plays tricks).And you could blow enormous pink bubbles with a penny "Anglo" bubbly!

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 12th August 2010 at 19:00

Spot on. There's nothing wrong with your memory Irene, it's sharp as a knife.

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 12th August 2010 at 20:49

Thankyou Colin. These memories are so important and need to be kept alive. Did you live in Ince? If so, whereabouts? And when? I am SO nosy, but love to share memories with people of my age, (or ANY age, for that matter). So many photos and so many memories have been kept alive by this wonderful website, and, just for once, I thank modern technology, not forgetting Brian and Ron, who keep it all going and deserve a medal...thanks lads!

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 13th August 2010 at 08:50

Hi Irene, yes I was born and grew up in Higher Ince, not far from Belle Green Lane. I went to both Belle Green and Rose Bridge Schools, my late grandparents lived in lower Ince, So Ince blood flows in the familys veins. I married in 1976, and moved on so to speak. My mother still lives in the same house where I was born in 1956.

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 13th August 2010 at 18:23

Colin, in case you don't go back to the Belle Green Lane aerial photo...The pie shop at 10 Belle Green Lane was Ashurts in our childhood, but had been Cain's previously, and a lot of the older people still called it that. My friend Neil is the grandson of Jimmy Cain who ran the shop.

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 13th August 2010 at 20:12

Yes Irene, I have seen your comments and many thanks for the info. I would like to echo what you said yesterday about this great website and to share memories from people we've never met, but in some cases we have through Wigan World. Its people like yourself and the posters that makes it all possible. A big thanks to everyone connected to Wigan World.

Comment by: Jimmy m on 15th August 2010 at 11:06

I can remember outside the cake shop in Up holland in the 60's there was a cigarette machine. Can you imagine what would happen to that today.

Comment by: irene roberts nee griffiths on 15th August 2010 at 14:56

How right you are, Jimmy!

Comment by: Cyril on 16th August 2010 at 12:42

Crank's shop on Marsh Green also had in the late 1950's a cigarette machine chained up in the doorway at night, needless to say it would regulary be found in the morning at the bottom of the clay hole minus the cigs and money.

Comment by: LEE on 20th August 2010 at 13:01

Not many shops at spring view is there. You have to go plattbridge or lower ince to see one.

Comment by: Malcolm Conroy on 4th August 2011 at 11:50

Great photograph. I am researching family history and would really like to contact John Mosley regarding the family. My wife was a Ricketts. I have left an email

Comment by: Malcolm Conroy on 4th August 2011 at 20:33

Great photograph. I am researching family history and would really like to contact John Mosley regarding the family. My wife was a Ricketts. I have left an email

Comment by: Malcolm Conroy on 4th August 2011 at 20:46

Whoops meant to say email link (just click on the little image that looks like a letter). Also RICKETTS same as John's wife Florence. If anyone knows John please contact.

Comment by: owd viewer on 5th February 2012 at 00:06

I lived in same row in the 50-60 Mrs pennington had the off-licence then

Comment by: Christine Dunphy(formerly Jones) on 25th February 2012 at 20:45

I remember Mr. & Mrs. Mosley. I used to go the their shop for a soda syphon for my dad. You had to pay a deposit on the glass syphon so that you would return it to be refilled. I was born in Spring View 50 odd years ago. It was a lovely place, full of shops, and everyone knew each other. There was nothing wrong with the place that a bit of refurbishment wouldnt have corrected. But yet again Wigan Council planners have turned what was a nice little place to live into a soulless characterless place. Selling the land off to developers and putting nothing except overpriced private property in its place. Its all very sad.

Comment by: Trevor Rosser on 1st May 2012 at 22:08

This I used to remember as Mrs Penningtons in the 50s as I used to live down by the side of the off license next to Hodsons and opposite Dawbers,Dad used to get a new mantle here when the old one burned out on the old gas light.Where has everyone moved to from "The view" since it`s been flattened? Ive been a "Leyther" for 40years

Comment by: Trevor on 14th May 2012 at 23:19

My appologies to the Dorans they lived in Norman Street not the Dawbers ( that was New Springs) I can`t remember the name of the family who lived at No. 3 before Hodsons came to live there. anybody out there remember? perhaps the "Owd Viewer"

Comment by: owd viewer on 16th May 2012 at 20:48

Trevor, Thomas Molyneux lived at 3 Norman St in 1926,Dont know if he was still there when you moved in.
Owd viewer.

Comment by: jimmy edwards on 20th October 2013 at 01:37

I lived @ 297 Warrington Rd 6 houses from St Mary's Mrs Pennington had shop then (50is ) .used to get grandads gas mantel from shop(Miah Edwards 42 Ainscow St).when me,our Billy,our Keith got our spends on a Friday we went to shop for Jubblys Smiths crisp ,1p bubbly 1pdainty bars Can't remember lady's who had shop on corner of Shed St across from our house .remember her husband passing away in shop .think she moved just after.like everybody in Spring View we had nought but we were happy .cheap dinner of Mrs Owen at Spring View canteen 3p wet chips from Mrs Jarvis chippy ,swimming in Trenchie ,pens to play in ,going up mile pad,tick & pass in Ainscow St loads &loads of fields to play in .great area to be brought up in great people .only pass through now going to cemetery .Wigan Council hang your head in shame what you have done to Spring View.

Comment by: JULIE CHAMBERLAIN on 13th November 2013 at 22:47


Comment by: Jimmy Edwards on 16th November 2013 at 02:47

Julie.Not seen your Mam for a long time .last time I saw your Uncle Bob was in the King Billy a few years ago when our Keith was over from OZ. You were about 10 last time i saw you.Going on jam bitty picnics & to Little River brings back more good memories .The Man who used to give us all Rhubarb was Horice Dermot , he lived on Warrington Rd .Your Nan was a lovely lady ,when we used to go in her Chippy with our bowl on a Friday tea time for our 3p wet she used to top our bowl up with loads of Scratchings ,if we enough money we splashed out and got Chips & peas ,great days. Live in Bury now married to Betty for 42 years 2 sons 1daughter 6 Grandkids 1 more due December in OZ youngest son lives in Sydney .Both of us retired now.only pass through View on way to our Billy's in Platt Waz or our Pats .Not the same Spring View these days Wigan Council have made a right mess of it .We all had nought but we had a great childhood. Best wishes to you your Mam,your Uncle Bobby & all your family . Jimmy

Comment by: owd viewer on 7th January 2014 at 23:54

Jimmy was the shop at the corner of shed St owned by a fowlers I lived in the same row as Mrs Pennington's shop next door to Jinny furhurst sweet shop at 302 my dad was with the St johns ambulance do you remember him.

Comment by: Jimmy Edwards on 9th January 2014 at 10:24

Owd Viewer,Sorry can't remember your Dad,think lady who had shop was Mra Fowler (not sure) Newphew George lived with his Mam&older Brother across road from shop next door or next but 1to Mrs Jejvis Chippy .Ask Julie to ask her Mam or Uncle Bob.

Comment by: owd viewer on 9th January 2014 at 23:34

Jimmy Mrs fowlers shop was on the corner of morris St. If you go to Wigan world look down to lots more local history then go to ince directory then section 7 and look at Warrington road lower once it will give you all the streets off Warrington road and also the people that lived there in the 1920s.jimmy I put my school photo on schools,spring view secondary modern 1964 you're billy and Keith we're my friends ,remember lots from 1950_60 speak soon Owd viewer.

Comment by: owd viewer on 10th January 2014 at 00:19

Jimmy forgot to say spoke to Mr halliwell woodwork teacher last month he is 80 and in good health.

Comment by: Jimmy on 11th January 2014 at 20:34

Owd Viewer, sorry about that got wrong st .Mrs Fowlers Shop was on corner of Morris St.Cant remember who had Shop corner of Shed St.Used to go in there for our Frozen Jubblys &Wagon Wheels.

Comment by: Jimmy on 11th January 2014 at 21:51

Owd Viewer, sorry about that got wrong st .Mrs Fowlers Shop was on corner of Morris St.Cant remember who had Shop corner of Shed St.Used to go in there for our Frozen Jubblys &Wagon Wheels.

Comment by: Jimmy on 11th January 2014 at 22:19

Owd Viewer,Seen Photo (1964) I left in 1963 our Billy 1964 our Keith 1965. I have class photos 61/62/63 Rugby Team 62 St Mary's Football team61/62.waiting for Daughter to put on Wigan World for me.Glad to hear Mr Halliwel is still going strong,he was a nice bloke & a good teacher,got on very well with him.

Comment by: owd viewer on 11th January 2014 at 23:51

Jimmy as I can remember on the corner of shed St when I was a lad, on one corner lived Joe bussel and on the other was a man with a wooden leg who used to cut hair I think he's name may have been Edwards.my cousins lived next door to lane's shop the same row as me Stanley and dorreen ashurst do you remember them.

Comment by: Jimmy on 12th January 2014 at 20:45

owed Viewer, remember Stan& Doreen .Bloke you are talking about is my Grandads Brother ( Fred Edwards ) Grandad ( Miah ) lived on Ainscow St .Fred used to put a basin on our head & cut up to it .He was a noughtie old bugger if you moved he would give you crack round your ear.( never did us any harm ,) some of these little sods could do with a good smacking these days. think Fred lost his leg during First World War ( not sure ) .

Comment by: Jimmy on 15th January 2014 at 22:10

Owd Viewer,just having a laugh to myself 6 comments up you say you remember a lot from 50s/60s so do I but I can't remember bugger all from last week.

Comment by: owd viewer on 18th January 2014 at 13:43

Jimmy have you any memories of the cornmill it was down Henry st.21

Comment by: Jimmy on 25th January 2014 at 00:34

Owd Viewer,remember Corn Mill ,but can't remember it ever being used

Comment by: owd viewer on 30th January 2014 at 23:55

Jlmmy when are you putting them photos on from school and rugby.

Comment by: Jimmy on 7th February 2014 at 01:09

Owd Viewer,Daughter said she will put them on for me ,iv'e not a clue how to do it .Wont be for a while my Wife is very ill in Hospital .Me and my Daughter spending most of our time there,but will get round to it.

Comment by: owd viewer on 11th February 2014 at 23:45

Jimmy sorry to hear you wife's in hospital I hope she has a speedy recovery.

Comment by: Albert. on 16th April 2014 at 15:27

The last house on the left, in Norman Street, next to the railway perimeter fence, lived the Fairhurst family, lived there in the 1940s. Son Graham, daughter Joyce, can't remember names of other children.

Comment by: Christine Jolley Barker on 3rd October 2015 at 15:12

Hello there everyone my Nanna Mrs Maggie Pennington used to have this shop on 292 Warrington rd Spring View I see some of you remember her I was the little girl standing on Bensons crisps tin box serving the men going to work on the railways and everyone who used to come into the shop when I was on holidays from my school in Crooke Village .. Gosh what happy memories I have of these days and the walking days and Farrimond's chippy down the lane and Florrie's sweet shop .. If anyone remember's me please get in touch Christine Barker now lives in Blackpool

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