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Tom Whalley Pet Shop, Millgate
Tom Whalley Pet Shop, Millgate
Photo: Steve Carter
Views: 10,236
Item #: 7686
Seen on 29th December 2004 just before closure. Ironically it was the fact that the site was being prepared for start of work for the Grand Arcade that allowed the view to be recorded before it too was swept away.

Comment by: dave johnson on 21st October 2008 at 14:48

Good historical photo although it`s not the most picturesque building that Wigan has lost.

Comment by: jan on 30th October 2008 at 23:52

I can remember going into Tom Whalley's pet shop when it was situated further up Millgate (not sure where exactly) and seeing a black panther or other type of big cat. It would have been 1960's

Comment by: Martin Pearce on 26th February 2010 at 16:31

Many times I would go to the baths, then for fish and chips then turn the corner and visit the pet shop. I remember the shop was further up the street in the sixties , the large cat Tom walked the streets with was a Puma if my memory is correct. My Brother David bought an Alligator in 1967 from the shop, in 1968 David passed away so we had to find a larger place for it so we took it to Bolton Museum Aquarium. David was allowed to have visits while he was in Hospital in Billinge some nurses got quite a shock when he pulled out an Alligator from under his sheets.Good memories.

Comment by: tony on 2nd March 2010 at 20:05

tom whalley's started of up wiend in the late 50's

Comment by: Stephen on 3rd December 2015 at 12:03

One day in the mid to late sixties I ran across Station Road from the Woolworth's entrance (near the door for the Court School of Dancing). I wasn't really looking where I was going, and bumped into Tom and his Panther on the other side.
It gave me a bit of a shock, but it was better than being ploughed down by a bus.
I know it was a publicity stunt, but he should never have been allowed to wander around the town centre with that thing. The risk to the public was too great.

Comment by: alison hockey on 15th January 2018 at 17:48

i remember going in there loads as a kid. he always had exotic animals in down a couple of steps at the back. think it was mainly fish tanks when you went in. i remember getting tortoises for about 20-50p. he never asked could you have a pet he just sold them anyway. always had litters of puppies in and kittens. i also remember monkeys and screeching parrots

Comment by: Debbie Roberts on 24th March 2018 at 14:15

My father, Roy Crabtree tells me that Tom Walley was the best man at his wedding in 1953.

Comment by: Mr X on 22nd April 2019 at 21:28

Is Tom Whalley still alive? 2005 must have been the year when this well known pet shop closed down.

Comment by: Michael Owen on 16th October 2019 at 23:10

My dad and Tom Whalley were mates in the early 60's. I have a vivid memory of being sat on the back seat of my dad's Ford Consul car, with Tom and a monkey called Arabella. I was eating a bag of crisps, which Arabella kept dipping her hairy hand into! I was hysterical with laughter. I'd be no more than 4 years old.
I also remember the black panther, but can't recall the name.

Comment by: Lynne Harrison on 31st August 2022 at 18:26

Mr Whaley’s cat - the panther - was called Mog I think & he used to walk it on a lead around Wigan town - anyone got any photos ?

Comment by: Colin Trynor on 5th November 2023 at 10:33

Tom's original shop was for many years in the Wiend before they moved to these larger premises in Burrows Yard.
He did have a Puma but I remember it as being beige in colour. He used to walk it down Millgate on lead and I remember it encountering a dog outside the Horseshoe that backed off as it did not know what to make of it. He used to take it on the spare land that had been the Central Station and let it off its lead for exercise by chasing rabbits.
I think after closure also had the Riding Stables opposite the entrance road Gathurst Station.

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