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Appley Bridge


appley bridge post office
appley bridge post office
Photo: Allan Hughes
Views: 2,179
Item #: 27107
a postcard published to celebrate 20 years of trading 1887 to 1907. first view is appley bridge post office in 1887 with the name john rigby over the door, licensed to sell tobacco and cigars, vendor of patent medicines. the second view is from 1907 and a different building, the name has changed to james rigby and a younger couple stood outside. having said all that, on the wall over the door a large plaque states 'the stores established 1868'

Comment by: Rev David Long on 29th November 2015 at 09:11

If you look back a fortnight in the Album you'll find I sent a pic in which the lower building featured, and I followed it up with a theory that the building there now (as seen on Google Earth) is the same as the one here - albeit much-altered. The alterations appeared to be that the back-to-back cottages of which the shop is the gable-end - a row under each pitched roof seen here - were joined together under a new, single-pitched roof. As back-to-backs are generally a sign that the buildings are probably early 19th century, that would lead me to think that the upper picture here is of the same gable-end in an earlier period. Judging by the fact that the first door down the side is a few yards from the corner, I would say that the shop was built as seen in the top pic, across the gable-end of the two rows. It may even have started off life as a cottage, rather than a shop.

Comment by: John Crompton on 29th July 2017 at 06:26

Just wanted to say that I have the original Appley Bridge Post Office Stamp.

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